A frantic search was launched for the girl and rescue divers pulled her body out of the river more than four miles away.The tragedy had happened as Dr Reddy took pictures on the bridge over the River Musi in Hyderabad with Manvi and her two brothers during a month-long holiday in India.The infant then slipped and plunged into the river below, before being swept away.Witnesses said Dr Reddy’s screams brought bystanders to the scene who comforted the stricken father as a major search and rescue was launched.
sorce has it that The doctor and his family had travelled to Hyderabad last month to attend a family wedding, and were scheduled to return to Britain next Wednesday.

Very sad may d lord comfort d family
ReplyDeleteand V wats happening a lot av happened pass days and u dint cover it BBA ,funke bash ,d stroll away ,yanya endorsment deal ,ice prince ride ,wizkid Vs j martins and many more I must admit it I haven't gotten over u dats y am always stalkin u I can't 4give myself 4 lossin u pls keep up d good work u will surely get dere d road 2 success is not any easy one and wat do u want me 2 tell my guys I boast a lot about ur blog now they will come and c nothing hmmm pls no fall my hand I want learn dis bloggin stuff from u self and I will give u all my support tnx and bye
U started something gud so don't chicken out as usual cos I believe u aim 4 d moon if u miss it u will land among d stars